
Goods lifts

Lifts built according to PN-EN81.1. and PN-EN81.2 can be used for carrying goods which process can be accompanied by people. However, goods lifts should take in to account the specific of the goods transported, such as for example environmental conditions of work.

The Ordering Party should provide details such as:

  1. Maximum dimensions of load, weight and dimensions of the trolley used for loading, maximum weight of a single item on the trolley and maximum capacity of goods transported in the car.
  2. The required degree of IP protection for lift installation, 
  3. Temperature of work, 
  4. Dust levels, 
  5. Sanitary requirements, 

Lift Service S.A. can construct goods lifts, which basically can have similar configuration as the selected lifts included in the following catalogues:

  • Electric lifts without engine rooms, 
  • Electric lifts,  
  • Hydraulic lifts 

or other lifts according to individual inquiries with regard to capacity up to Q = 6000kg for electric lifts with machine rooms or without and Q = 10000kg for hydraulic lifts.

Goods lifts allowing transport of people loading goods

Constructed according to PN-EN81.31 and Machinery Directive 2006/42/ EC and speed up to v = 1,0 m/s.

Technical solutions and construction guidelines are available upon individual requests.

Lifts are designed to transport goods and are not intended for people transport. They are particularly suitable for containers and cargo transport, with height greater than 1,2m.

Small goods lifts (known as kitchen lifts)

Built in accordance with PN -EN 81.3 with a maximum car surface of 1m2, maximum height of 1,2m and with maximum capacity of 300kg.

Possible configurations of lifts with swing or guillotine doors from SKG brand are also available, including i.e.: ISO-A, ISO-C, ISO-D, ISO-5, ISO-Z or BKG, i.e. BKG 100…, BKG 200…, BKG 300…, The presented configurations are available upon individual requests, specification of input data and determination of customer expectations.

Tel.: 81 528-95-00
Fax: 81 528-95-70
ul. Plewińskiego 22, 20-270 Lublin

Project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund under the framework of the
Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie Province for 2007-2013

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